Well, I am finally getting into this whole blog thing. I have been loving so much all the great pages I see of other friends, so here I am.
I had so much fun tonight I just have to share. We had a cadre meeting here at our home for a few girls that are young teen age. I was helping out a friend, it was so much fun. I have to say with some tears in my eyes, I really miss working with youth. Thank you Lord, for this small taste of what my heart longs for. We got to paint and talk, and I feel that they shared pretty freely. What a great bunch of girls. They are planning to go to Saturate so I am praying God really moves on them there.
I had been sick late last week and into this week and a sweet friend suggested I take zinc. I never realised what it could do. I feel so much better!! I have also been taking B12 and my moods feel so much more even keel. God is so good, to give me friends who have used these things, and they could encourage me to try it.
I have gotten alot of work done this week. Painting, planning for this cadre time, and Saturate. The Father is really bringing my part of Saturate together. I am truly feeling a peace about everything. So many sweet people have filled in the volunteer spots for the snack bar, I am looking forward to the time we will spend together blessing those kiddos that come. We get to have Guido's pizza, what a great topper to the amazing ministry God will be giving us in the sessions. Come see us in the Children's wing if you are going to Saturate at EGC. If you don't know about it check out www.elimfellowship.org in the youth part of their site. It will be a great time you will love it if you come.
I guess this is it for now, bless ya for reading.
So glad I can add you to my blog reading! I am glad you are doing well...and you are such a blessing! Thanks for all you do!
Hi there. I found you through KT's blog. Hope you're doing well. Looking forward to the next book club. I'm not even half way through yet. (Ugh!) I've got a lot of reading to do before then!
Hi Vic!! I don't know how I found you, but I'm glad you are here :)
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