Saturday, October 11, 2008

Letchworth- a little State Park-but a huge slice of Heaven

Have you ever spent the perfect day out--and just kept saying to yourself-I am having so much fun? It was incredible-the weather, the place, the crafts, and especially the company. God gifted us today, with such beauty. I truly couldn't have asked for any better day.

We spent the day with our friends, John and Cindy at Letchworth State Park, in NY.

We had all been to the park before lots of times, but we were specifically there for the Arts and Crafts Show at the North end of the park. There were over 300 was in a word amazing! So many people there that were gifted by God (whether they know it or not), and so many were there appreciating their giftings.
One woman, Margaret Truxes Hixson, had the most incredibly beautiful paintings. I left her stall after expressing to her how beautiful I felt her paintings were. I could not hold back the tears any longer. I felt kind of silly, but the beauty that God has expressed through her She is located in Hamburg, NY. Look up her webpage- you will not be disappointed.

The colors of the trees were pretty wild too. It was so much fun to see the reds with Cindy, each one caught her eye, like a kid in a candy store. It seemed like God had turned them red just for her to be enthralled.

We stayed at the craft show for hours, which I think was very gracious of the guys to take such interest in what us girls were lovin'. You know your hubby loves you when he goes willingly to a craft show, to just spend time with you. I love my guy so much!

We then took a very slow (leisurely--due to all the traffic) ride down to the south end of the park where thewater falls are. As we parked we saw that they were going to be launching 2 hot air balloons. How sweet of the Father to put us there at that time. We quickly got out and went over to the site. Cindy got us right up close...unbelievable! The heat of the ignitors was intense and the sound was so scary. But more so it was exhilirating. I would love to do that for real someday, today we just dreamed. It was wonderful to watch them go.

We then walked up to the the Upper Falls-of which I ran (literally RAN) part of it to show Shawn I could--he was mocking me... really just reminding me that the last time we were there I had hardly been able to walk up to the Upper Falls. I think he was genuinly impressed that I ran a little ways. I am too!

We went down to the Middle Falls then, and we were surprised by one of my very favorite people in the whole world. He came with a couple of his friends. I was so happy to see him. I wonder if he will ever know how much he means to us. I just love him to pieces!!

John showed me how to take landscape pictures on my camera, so hopefully the pictures will look better. Thanks John.

And John--Thank you for this-I think it is just absolutely amazing. You are truly a gifted photographer.

Aperfect ending to a most perfect day!

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