I have been reading a blog recently called Laundry on the Line, http://laundryontheline.wordpress.com/ . She is doing a "pay it forward" so I have decided to participate. For the first 3 bloggie friends who make a comment on my post and decide to do it as well on theirs. I have wanted to do this for a while and so I am going to now!
How this works is: the first 3 people who comment on this post, that they want to participate AND blog on their blog that they are going to participate and give as well, those 3 people will be the happy (I hope) recipients of something handcrafted by me. It will be something quilted so please tell me what your fav color combo is and I will do my very best to make something special for you. I will be visiting your blogs to see how I can make something atuned to your liking.
So, let's start out our year with giving, may you be blessed with doing so!
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